Archive | April, 2012

And If You Liked My Trailer…

26 Apr

Anyone who’s looking for similar marketing or related video tools should contact Gregg Witkin at   And stay tuned for word about my next book, “Shadow of the Horsemen.”

New Book Trailer For Daughter of the Goddess Lands!

22 Apr

I’ve always loved movie trailers.  Imagine my surprise–and excitement–when I found out books can have trailers too.  This is my first trailer, and was done by Adobe Guru Gregg Witkin!  

My First Listmania List!

12 Apr

So here’s my first foray into Amazon’s Listmania.  I’ve enjoyed reading them, but–like so many things–I only recently decided to do one of my own.  It’s called “Prehistoric Fiction That I Love.”


1. The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel        “The book that started the genre—at least in its current form.  First book in the Earth’s Children series and I recommend reading them all!”

2. The Year the Horses Came by Mary Mackey .  &nbs!
“This was my first encounter with peaceful, Goddess worshipping farmers clashing with violent, oppressive horsemen.  The first of an outstanding series, it influenced my writing, as well as my reading.

3. Daughter of the Goddess Lands by Sandra Saidak   “Despite all the great prehistoric fiction books I fell in love with, no one was writing the exact book I wanted to read.  So I wrote this one.  A different take on Goddess Worshipers meet patriarchic horsemen.” 

4. The Horsemasters by Joan Wolf     “Horsemen threaten egalitarian-minded hunters—but long before anyone thought the horse was domesticated.”

5. Dawn of Empire by Sam Barone    “This one is technically Bronze Age, later than the others—and that’s not all that’s different!  Definitely worth reading.”

6. Circle of Stones by Joan Dahl Lambert     “This one covers three very different eras of prehistory.  Outstanding research and believable characters (hard to do when you go back over a million years.)”

7. Mother Earth, Father Sky by Sue Harrison     “Beautiful storytelling amid beautiful scenery in prehistoric Alaska.”

8. People of the Mesa by Charlotte Prentiss     “The second book in a series set in prehistoric North America.  No need to read the first book to enjoy this one, but I recommend the entire series.”

9. Secrets of the Ancient Goddess by Brenda Gates Smith     “The first of two books.  I don’t know why the series stopped after the second, but if the author ever picks it up again, I’ll read it!”

10. Daughter of the Sun by Barbara Wood     “A unique tale about Toltec conquest and Anasazi resistance in the American Southwest”

11. Lady of Horses by Judith Tarr     “Rebellious woman in oppressive horse tribe dares to ride.  A fun read by a well known a fantasy author and horse lover.”

12. Hope of Earth by Piers Anthony     “Different from the others because it covers over a million years of human history.  Like James Michener, only better.”

Recomendation: The Eskkar Saga by Sam Barone

3 Apr

I ended up posting this twice.  The second one had the formatting I wanted.  If you are coming from twitter or other social media, please go to:


Thank you!



Recommendation: The Eskkar Saga by Sam Barone

3 Apr

One of the best things any author can have is a fellow author, writing in the same universe—but in mirror image.  For me, that author is Sam Barone.  While his novels take place about one thousand years after mine, and a bit to the southeast (I’m Black Sea region, he’s Fertile Crescent) both!
of us write about the clash between nomadic horse tribes and the settled farmers who build the first cities. 


In my Kalie’s Journey series, I’ve attempt to show enlightened Goddess-worshipers struggling to overcome brutal patriarchic barbarians.  In Sam’s latest book, Eskkar and Trella—the Beginning we find admirable barbarians looking down on rather disgusting “dirt-eaters” (their word for farmer).  In this universe, city folk treat each other as badly as barbarians, but smell considerably worse.  They are shown as cunning and ambitious, but lacking honor, strength and courage.  While not all nomads possess honor—even by their own definition—all demonstrate strength and courage.  We see very little of those things in the villages and towns.


What fascinates me in all this is the chance to see a world so similar to mine, yet flipped upside down.  While reading, I constantly found myself admiring the work that went into a well-made bronze sword, or cheering for the lone warrior who could take on a dozen cowardly farmers.


Part of what makes this world work for me is that women have such a rotten deal in both societies that it almost doesn’t matter who wins.  The rest is simply outstanding writing.  My goal is to write as well as Sam Barone—but to do it for my team.